LightMediaScanner 0.2.0 released

We're proud to release a new version of LightMediaScanner, the fastest media scanner for your embedded device ;-)

This version now adds the direct relationship of audios and artists table, this will allow album-less audios to have an artist as well as have collections audios to display their artists. Yes, Canola will behave better now.

Also new are the often requested single-process scan and progress reporting.

Progress is reported using callbacks. Since it is impossible to know beforehand how many files will be in the directories before walking them, there is no "total" item reporting or percentage, this is up to you if you think it is worth to pay such penalty. Check also does not report so it's uniform, but number of items to check is easier to discover, just check the database. These callbacks will also report the state of such file, so you can notify user if some files were skipped because they took too much to finish (more than slave_timeout).

Single process scan is now available, but it's mostly there to aid debugging. While it will speed up scan on single-CPU machines (ie: Nokia N810), it is less safe and if it breaks/hangs (ie: due MMC being removed during parse, or bad FAT filesystem) it will bring down your whole software, so be aware of that before using.

Last but not least, our GIT moved from to (Gitweb) with repositories being cloned from git clone git://$PROJECT

Please report any bugs to our project at!