Evas UV Mapping and WebKit-EFL

One of the most requested feature for Evas was rotation and other transformations. These are no more, Rasterman just did generic UV Mapping support, enabling rotation, perspective, 3d-simulation and more.

As usual he wrote a fast software engine to make this available on non-3d accelerated, next should come OpenGL and OpenGL-ES as some big players in the industry are now funding his work in both software and GL-ES support, as well as ARM NEON optimizations.

As ProFUSION is also being funded to work on WebKit-EFL, I thought I could demo our work using new rotation support, and the result is quite good:

As you can see, there are still bugs... actually this video was first meant to report a bug with mapping code, but raster is already fixing it.

As soon as I have time I'll try to update EFL for N900 and try out the new expedite tests, they include 3d cubes, coverflow and more. Hopefully by the time OpenGL-ES will be ready and then we can compare software and hardware performance on this amazing hardware.

All in all, this semester is being quite busy for EFL hackers. Fast OpenGL-ES, UV Mapping, WebKit and soon-to-be-release Edje Editor were all done, with much more to come. Stay tuned!